Upcoming Events
Lunch and Learn:
“Why is my insurance going crazy?”
February 20, 2025
11:00am – 1:00pm
Mars Hill Presbyterian Church
If you want to know the answer to this question: “Why is my insurance going crazy?”, then come to our next lunch and learn to find out from our guest speaker, Ben Johnson, President & Owner of Bob Johnson Insurance. You’ll find out why premiums have been going up so much, why coverage is changing, and your specific questions will be answered. We’ll also talk about other areas of help for payroll processing, church safety & security teams, and how to get free legal assistance for many of the questions your church may have.

Better Together: Black History Celebration
February 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
Fourth United Presbyterian Church
For those who would like to sing in the joint choir, there will be a couple of rehearsals.
Please contact Barbara Adamcik to join, 865-207-2674
Please contact Barbara Adamcik to join, 865-207-2674

Better Together Civil Rights Trip to Washington D.C.
February 28th – March 3, 2025
Leave from Westminster Presbyterian Church
6500 S Northshore Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
Registration is now CLOSED