Ruling Elders and Sessions

What Is A Session?

The Session is the governing council of the local church. It consists of Ruling Elders elected by a congregation and the Pastor(s). Ruling Elders are elected by the congregation to serve 3 year terms on Session. Elders work, study, pray, and lead together – always seeking the will of God for the benefit of the congregation. A Session is a collection of independent thinkers who use their talents to discern Christ’s presence through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

G-3.02 Book of Order – Responsibilities and Ministry of Session

Elder Training: The Miniseries

Five Sessions to be used at a retreat or over a series of weeks. Contains videos, Leaders’ Guide, and Students’ Guide in English and Korean.

  1. Foundations of Presbyterian Polity

  2. Ministry of ALL Members

  3. Ministry of Ruling Elders

  4. Ministry of Sessions

  5. Ministry of the Clerk of Session